Artistic director David Yang plans a promenade portion for this year’s Newburyport Chamber Music Festival.
David Yang wonders why nobody thought of this before.
Yang and his Newburyport Chamber Music Festival musicians cannot play indoors because of Covid. So they’re moving outdoors.
“I’m calling it ‘Quartet caroling,’ just walking around neighborhoods and playing,” he says.
It’s a novel idea, and one that brings at least some part of the long-running Newburyport festival to its public.
“I was surprised nobody was doing it,” he says. “It seems like a good way to get live music. We’ll all keep socially distant, and not let people congregate.”
Yang—violist, artistic director of the festival, and director of chamber music at the University of Pennsylvania—shortened his live performances from the normal two weeks down to one weekend. The online version of the festival begins on Aug. 5, and the “caroling” Aug. 14–16. A livestream fundraiser performance (Aug. 15), extended conversations, and playlists from participating artists fill out the festival schedule.
“Some are sort of like podcasts,” he says of the conversations, “where we talk about music, literature, art and travel. I’ve put links for everything we discuss.
“And I’ve asked to some of our past artists to pick music and do a three-minute introduction. A short playlist.
“Daniel Lippel chose “Alabama” by John Coltrane,” he says. “Todd Palmer chose the overture to “South Pacific.” I’m going to do Satchmo—“Sunny Side of the Street.” Just a quick hello, and tell everyone why we’ve chosen this.”
Yang, who lives in Philadelphia, had multiple disruptions because of the spread of the virus. Spring teaching ended abruptly, and he was scheduled to perform in Brussels, Canada and England before coming to the Newburyport. “I was supposed to be home only one day in July,” he says.
Now his travel plans are limited to a single road-trip to Massachusetts, with strict observation of distancing guidelines.
“We are driving up directly to North Andover and getting a Covid test,” he says. “We can get the results that night. We got permission from the mayor to play, and I promised we wouldn’t have any crowds, so I’m not really announcing an itinerary. Just different neighborhoods.”
Yang’s position at Penn—he founded the chamber music program in 2002, and it now includes two dozen ensembles—remains secure. But the live participation from his students looks uncertain.
“Penn is going to give large lectures are online, but smaller courses are still planning to be held in-person,” he says. “Students have the option.
“It’s hard to do online,” he says, estimating that a quarter of his students are international. “My program is a haven for these students. They’re Ivy Leaguers, really stressed, but they have this mini-culture of music.
“They’re not musical pre-professionals, but music is great in so many non-musical ways. Good things develop, and many students have said it was the highlight at Penn.”
But everyone is taking one step at a time now. In any case, Yang wasn’t about to let go of his summer connection to Newburyport. He began reaching out right after the shutdown, with weekly playlists, comments and links via email blast to his audience.
“These are the people I know and care about,” he says of his 200 or so online followers, the core of the chamber festival. “I was amazed at the response. I’m still able to communicate with people, and to try to make things a little less difficult. It’s such a topsy-turvy world right now.” The “caroling” will help ease that. “I picked three neighborhoods, and we will canvas one at a time,” he says. “If we see someone sitting around we’ll play. We have stands, and a car following us with music. And a chair for the cellist.
“My idea is that people who miss the festival will have something every day at 5 p.m.”
The Newburyport Chamber Music Festival will present its online summer season, as well as its “caroling” pop-up performances, beginning August 5th. All events are free. Visit for details.
Keith Powers covers music and the arts for Gannett New England, Opera News and Leonore Overture. Follow @PowersKeith; email to